0924 秋野芒劇團: 暗面 The Dark Side
秋野芒劇團 第二十次公演
If the two worlds I stay couldn’t exit the same time. Which world should I stay?
An accident led a family to a breaking edge. If we cut in their life, would it have the dark side like the moon that light can’t penetrate through?
On the other side of the wall, would it have the same story as my side? Our family could save us or destroy us?
The Ciouyemang Theatre,founded in 2000, is a campus-based theatre dedicated to promoting theatre production and theatre education in eastern Taiwan. For the past twelve years, through the production of theatre works and introduction of theatre programs, the Ciouyemang Theatre has brought unforgettable theatre experiences and theatre education to students and the local community in eastern Taiwan, as well as bringing more people to experience the diversity and richness of theater. In seeking the essence of theatre, abandoning redundant external forms, and making the best use of everything, the Ciouyemang Theatre has tried to produce theatre works with multi-faceted interpretation and to connect the works with existing spaces. Productions of the Ciouyemang Theatre included Frog Dares, Our Town, The Story of Roundabout, and Hospitalization Is a Must, among others.